Stock Locker

Finding The Best Inventory ManagementSolutions For Your Business

One of Stock Locker’s strong features is its ability to be customised to suit the stocking needs of your business. If you have high-value returnable items that need to be accounted for, Stock Locker can prioritise that consideration. If you have high-volume consumable items, Stock Locker has settings to optimise stocking them. What’s more, these needs and others can be accommodated in the one machine.

Another strong feature of Stock Locker’s smart vending machines is automated stock management. Tasks such as re-ordering, stock-taking and shelf-life monitoring are all taken care of seamlessly, by Stock Locker machines. Our customers find very quickly that their stock management is more accurate, there are fewer outages, less wastage and when it is required, more accountability for items that might previously have gone missing periodically. 

Stock Locker’s smart vending machines have so far been used in: Earthmoving, Engineering, Government, Healthcare, Manufacturing, Mining, Transport and Machinery. Here are three different types of vending machines that are offered by Stock Locker. Which one suits your business best?

Supply Dispensers 

Supply Dispensers are the most sought-after and versatile smart vending machine. They make high-volume, critical, single use inventory, such as PPE, continuously available. This type of machine provides a practical and reliable inventory management system in settings such as hospitals, laboratories and aged care. Our Supply Dispensers have versatile shelves, electronic displays and extra-large delivery ports, for a user-friendly experience.

Supply Lockers 

Our Supply Lockers are used for the storage and dispensing of consumable and returnable items of various sizes. Supply Lockers are in use in a wide range of settings: some examples include healthcare, education, retail and information technology. They are used for stocking all manner of items, such as face-shields, boots, first-aid kits and surgical equipment. The intelligent system automatically tracks how often items are used and by whom.  It can also notify the relevant person or service when an item needs to be restocked or replaced. This leads to more productivity in the workplace, with on-site staff correctly geared for work and safety. A Supply Locker in your business can reduce hazards, avoid stock depletion and provide key data for inventory use/management in general. 

Combo Machines 

Combo Machines integrate the functionality of both the Supply Dispenser and the Supply Locker into a single machine. These are ideal for mixed stocking demands and are often suited to small, satellite locations that need to store and dispense a variety of items.. These machines are typically designed with six lockers for bigger items, such as clothing or emergency kits, and a vending section with up to 24 items, such as batteries, adhesives and PPE. The intelligent control system allows for real-time reporting, so you can stay on top of your inventory wherever you are.

To start saving staff hours and improving the reliability of your stock, automate and update your business’s inventory management system with a Stock Locker unit. Get in touch with us today.

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